Could a Veneer Help Your Teeth?

If you have a dull, cracked, or misaligned tooth, or any other imperfection in your smile, you may understand how uncomfortable smiling can be. It isn’t surprising then that Americans spend billions of dollars every year to enhance the appearance of their teeth. Still, do you ever wonder which cosmetic treatment could be better for you? If you have, we... read more »

Save Your Kids from Tooth Decay

Have you heard that only children are at risk of tooth decay? In reality, anyone can have tooth decay—though your children are generally more vulnerable than adults are. In fact, tooth decay is 400% more common than asthma between the ages of fourteen and seventeen. Similarly, 25% of children between one and four have some type of tooth decay while... read more »

Your Toothpaste and Allergies

Do you ever notice a rash around your mouth after you brush your teeth? Do you know what could cause it? Would you be surprised to learn that it could be your toothpaste—or more accurately, one of the ingredients in your toothpaste? Yes, sadly it is possible to be allergic to one of the many ingredients, which include abrasive agents... read more »

Smile Healthy This Thanksgiving Using These Tips

It’s the delicious time of year again. Thanksgiving is lingering in the air with the aromas of pumpkin pies and roasted turkeys. As a result, people are eating and snacking more than ever this season, which means cavities are on the rise. This year, why not prevent cavities while enjoying your holiday season by using these 5 tips? These five... read more »

What You Can Do to Prevent Canker Sores

Do you know what the difference is between a canker sore and a cold sore? Cold sores are a viral problem that usually grow on the outside of your mouth, while canker sores are non- contagious problems that can be triggered in many ways/ Canker sores are annoying and painful, and can make simple activities like eating and talking unpleasant.... read more »

Manual vs. Electric: Choosing the Right Toothbrush

As you begin the journey for a new toothbrush, we would like to tell you that both manual and electric toothbrushes are great choices for your smile. Each brush effectively removes the plaque from your teeth, so your preference in brush is all that matters. Now, to help you make your toothbrush choice, we have provided the following facts: Plaque-removing... read more »

Start School with a Beautiful Smile

It’s that time of year again! It’s time for the kids to head back to school. There’s a lot to get done before that big day when you drop the kids off for their first day of school. But have you remembered the dentist? After the summer you and your kids have had, your child’s teeth deserve a deep dental... read more »

Tooth Quiz: Do You Know The Answers to These Common Questions?

How much of a dental buff are you? Take this five-question quiz to find out how much you really know about your teeth! 1. How often should you brush your teeth? a) Whenever I want; b) Once a week; c) Twice a day 2. What type of snack keeps your teeth healthiest? a) Popcorn; b) Ice Cream; c) A candy... read more »

Dental Puns

Are you visiting the dentist today to fill a cavity? Since your mouth will be too numb to smile for some time afterwards, smile now with some dental puns. — Be kind to your dentist because he has fillings too. — A dentist and a manicurist fought tooth and nail. — A dentist has to tell the patient the whole... read more »